Heisenberg uncertainty
By: pinkmanI want to check facebook but I've got Heisenberg uncertainty about seeing what happened in the finale.
spoiler avert
By: AnnaBananaI DVD'ed the last episode of Glee & so I'm spoil averting facebook til I get to watch it and cry into my quart of ice cream.
Urge to Break the Two
By: WordMaster18Man, that pencil looks so nice, that I have the urge to break the 2!
By: alexyoshi54321When the wire needs to be in a position for the sound to come out.
John: Hey, have you ever been to Kevin's house. His headphones are always wirepositioned.
Friend: Yeah, the headphones keeps breaking up, so we have to bend down and fix it.
By: CaudecusA disconnect (a split) between the headphone jack and wire itself, resulting in all of that awkward twisting and bending to get it to work.
"I'm not happy with my headphones, they get jacksplit so easily."
digital break up amnishia
By: kaza12345678when they forget the big deal and restart it like a computer
By: procrastinator-inator-inatorI was in a daze as time passed for the Holiday break. I wasted 2 weeks of no school
the golden flange
By: loresjoberg"Well, my printer was working fine, but the golden flange broke and now it's going to cost me a hundred bucks to have it fixed."
Auditorium Misfire
By: Das"Derek regretted downing eighteen cans of guiness before accompanying Agnes to the cinema. Owing partly due to his age, his anus pelted the crowd with the eldritch gases of Auditorium misfire. "
It evokes the sense of a methane battlefield.
By: Quiznite" I visited the local odeon today but had to leave early. I had a massive bout of Cineflatuae"
Cos I made it and it says FART
Urge to Break the Two -
By WordMaster18, 6 months agoThat urge you when you see a perfectly good n.2 pencil to break it
Taboob -
By Soggylithe, almost 3 years agoWhen you try to find a discrete way of scratching a boob itch in public.
digital break up amnishia -
By kaza12345678, 5 months agoWhen you leave someone down gently by text and they don't get the message.
Congress -
By fortyhourworkyear, almost 3 years agoNegappreciation. -
By TheAnswerer, 4 days agomischievious fun, foul play. When people are having fun for negative reasons.
HoliDaze -
By procrastinator-inator-inator, over 2 years agoWhen Holiday break ends as fast as it began even though it was two weeks.