By: nils1433I had an Aquaphany about what car i want today.
combination of Aqua and epiphany
By: keeganwhThis morning I was showondering for like an hour. (Pronounced "Sha-WUN-der-ing"). Combo of showering + wondering.
Shower Theory
By: TheCookieMonster2673I was washing up, and I thought to myself, "What if half of Earth's population went away?"
Pissing poorly
By: FroyoTheFighterYesterday I was in the shower and tuned off my water. Started pissing poorly everywhere
By: cthamster"I stayed at my boyfriend's yesterday, but needed to poop. So I went to take a shower but it was really a shoop."
Not to be confused with Poosh- to poop in the shower.
Late Blooper
By: JDuverge"Overslept, and while taking a shower, had a late blooper."
Poop being a late bloomer?
By: DownUnderDudeJohn started aggressively applying shampoo to his scrotum mullet when he had a showershit moment.
By: FlowerPower808I usually clean off within 5 minutes, but I like to spend another 20 in the afterbath.
By: tdiesman1I swear I get clean in 5 minutes in the shower, but I spend 20 minutes in SinginTime singing Royal's Team.
Shower Sensation -
By Bobcat95, 6 months agoThe time you sound so much better singing in the shower than in real life
Shoop -
By cthamster, almost 3 years agoPissing poorly -
By FroyoTheFighter, 8 months agoLate Blooper -
By JDuverge, almost 3 years agofuzz nuggets -
By negatron, almost 3 years agoSinginTime -
By tdiesman1, 6 months agoTime spent in the shower after you've realized you are clean.
Out-Of-Shower-Delay -
By iliketobegay, 14 days agoWhen you leave the shower and just standing in the bathroom in your warm towel for a minute
Clean Regret -
By letitsnow1415, almost 3 years agoThat awful moment when you have to take a shit, after you've JUST taken a shower.
Shower Theory -
By TheCookieMonster2673, about 2 years agoShowondering -
By keeganwh, over 2 years agoShowprise -
By Rsdff, almost 3 years agoObliter-Idea Effect -
By TheRaveGamer, 9 months agoComing up with a idea but immediately forgetting about it afterwards.
nope-soap -
By mturner, almost 3 years agoThe little piece of bar soap that is too big to throw away but too small to hold on to
Buttrayal -
By albeedee, almost 3 years agoThat awful moment when you have to take a shit, after you've JUST taken a shower.
Cleanover -
By yo, over 2 years agoThe amazing feeling of getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets, right after taking a shower.