By: EpikVictor was erasing his things off his checklist, but little did he know he was erazing.
Combination of erase and razing.
By: ResidentStumpNoun - I tried to erase that word but the other end of my pencil turned out to be a blunderbrush.
Verb - I hope this eraser doesn't blunderbrush my form.
unexpaedeophilic remorse
By: Coleman FalconWhen he realized Jamie was several years younger than himself, John felt some unexpaedophilic remorse. But he had something to prove. He had to get those pictures taken to show them to Julie.
Pedogooglical Research
By: Bumfluff"Dave accidentally typed 4 instead of 40 and was shocked by his Pedogooglical Research results."
A corruption of the words Pedophile, Google and Pedagogical
By: albeedeeGot a bad case of paedonoia during a cheeky porn sesh on google last night!
By: Nickp788I thought the date went really well, but when I went in the for the goodnight kiss, she court-thwarted me. We wound up doing this awkward hug thing, im not even sure our hips touched.
By: ChuckalakalaShe wouldn't even kiss me after our first date! Guess I'm in the hugzone...
By: DebonairSam and I always sandwich each other - Sam and I sandwiched each other
Frozen reference
black niggers fuck women rights white supremacy kkk fuck all non white men we should kill all fucking niggers.
By: femiNIGSFuck niggers fuck chicken niggers fuck welfare using fucking brown useless piece of shit bags fucking porch monkeys and then fucking women who's goal is to suck cock fucking try to fucking get equal pay for fucking sucking dick.
By: eaglevillage3Pronounced: "Fo'-rear"
The culmination of the French 'faux' (false) and 'rire' (to laugh).
Showershit -
By DownUnderDude, almost 3 years agoN7O -
By enigmaticalbatross, 6 months agoWhen you get a game and you know that your computer can't run it.
Go-with-the-flow -
By TCOA, almost 3 years agoThe time when you read some instructions, don't understand them but start the project anyway
Switchwording -
By weavin, almost 3 years agothe exhibit effect -
By dlandes, almost 3 years agoWhen something you thought was broken works the moment you show someone it was broken.
Physical Auditory Composition (PAC) -
By BigfootBeto, almost 3 years agoidiot glory -
By DefineMe!, almost 3 years agoThinking back to stupid things you did as a child and wondering how you didn't die.
Browning out -
By cornpop, almost 3 years agoWhen, after a night of heavy drinking, you can only recall certain snippets of the night.
AwkWalk -
By Vartex81, almost 3 years agoWhen you say goodbye to someone and then awkwardly walk in the same direction.
Comical Contortion -
By TheCookieMonster2673, over 1 year agoWhen you pause a video and it stops at the perfect frame of a contorted face